Friday, December 17, 2010

What the hell do you do with these things?

First off... I'd like to say... YES, this semester is OVER [for now] (even though I got really sucky grades)!

Second off, I'd like to say I'm sorry for not writing more often... sue me (please don't, college students are poor!).

I'm up and it's 8:05 am. I haven't slept yet. I slept too many hours the day before, now I'm zombie-fied. I'm heading into California this coming Monday and I still haven't packed. I'm not stressed. Currently, I'm cleaning house.

Right now, I'm freaking out over fimo polymer clay canes. I purchased them on eBay weeks? Months? Ago... and I still have them. It seems like the more you purchase, the cheaper they got! Who could resist? Instead of one or two, I ended up with not ten, not twenty, but thirty! And I've already lost five of them...

Now my question for today is... what the hell do you do with these things?

Let's see...
Number 1: You can slicely cut them and put them on your nails! Yay! (by the way, I've begun painting my nails exotic beetle green from post-Halloween green nail polish clearances... for .75 whole cents!)
Number 2: You can cut them into various thickness and use them to stick on your phones, laptops, arts and crafts, siblings' faces, poor unsuspecting strangers, and the like.
Number 3: I suppose you could give them away as goodies...? Throw them away?
Number 4: Fill a magical miniature jar up with them! Wear it as a necklace or add it to your playhouse!
Number 5A: Sell them as supplies and offer them at a cheaper discount price if said victim -- er customer -- wants to buy more!
Number 5B: Slice them up and sell them that way... for lazy people.
Number 6: Shove them into someone's eyeballs. Kidding...

Other than that, you can tell, I'm getting desperate on thoughts and ideas... riiiiight?

Screw this. I'll be back later. Internet is so slow it hurts my soul!!!!


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